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Twilight in Maddi Pass
Season 3, Episode 2/12
Date March 16, 2013
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This is the second episode of Season Three and the twenty-sixth episode of Chess Legends. Laghari Legends is living in the place called Maddi Pass, so she decide to discuss about it but that lady in white robe appeared. Laghari Legends mentions Amorphas Legends which the party is starting to doubt about it.


  • The first appearance of Amorphas Legends
  • The location of Maddi Pass is introduced and explored in the past and the present.
  • A flashback battle between Laghari Legends and Amorphas Legends. Laghari Legends reveal to be recruiter, she captures Amorphas Legends and making her slave.
  • Lone granted a last-hitter award.


Laghari Legends still guiding our team even a new companion from the central region, Edgesword Legends. She thinks an annoyance to him since he came to investigate that makes her irritated more. Mante Legends doesn't familiar with this new pass that covered in snow. Laghari Legends calls it Maddi Pass cannot making snowlands there. She also calls it as twilight zone and looking a hale that blowing through a similar silhouette appears in front of them. Steve Legends first seen this familiar silhouette making his friends and Edgesword Legends alerted. Shockingly, she does climbing down by sliding and swiping in this tower. And she remove her hood as she introduces herself to the men.

Her name is Amorphas Legends she lives here "I don't live without sex with you there?" Mante Legends is shock, he told her that cannot defeat him in this battle. But she insisted to tempting him in that way, Mante Legends understands her with foolish attempt he made with her. Steve Legends wouldn't anticipate to stop his decision. Nortis Legends using his mind to read her, in his statement he show something incredible.


Is that Laghari Legends? What is she doing here?

Nortis Legends, reading Amorphas Legends mind

He doesn't recognized that Laghari Legends is the one of the responsibility why she control her for selling her body to the stronger men. Laghari Legends is here to having a conversation with the young cutie starting her twenty year old first time in journey in life. Amorphas Legends ask who she is but not yet answer. She does wanting to leave her alone but Laghari Legends can't move into this, she does making a war on her which she is accepting to find such a girl like her. In this early game the path in D is open, then Laghari Legends checkmates her without noticing a hole. That was a nice idea to defeat Amorphas Legends. Later she begin talking to her that she was hired as a slave. Using herself to the powerful man, neither rich businessman nor politician can touch her. Then the mind reading complete and Nortis Legends manage to tell Mante Legends everything.


Mante Legends is very shock that this girl is a threat if you once tried that. So Mante Legends is tempted and is going to fight with her. She asked before the battle "Are you a Monarchiya?". Mante Legends is going to be obnoxious. Nortis Legends giving Mante Legends a little hint that will consider to be secretive and doesn't know her  about the side of her and Mante Legends. Then the battle begins and the episode ends that she release a two new mysterious pieces with Branch Lady.
